Saturday, March 05, 2011

Dark Parables: Where the corpses are, there the vultures gather.

Was lying in bed when I had this vision:

I saw a beach or seashore. At first I was looking at only one little section where I saw tons of birds. Looked like dead birds. Then the camera panned across from the sea toward land and began to pull away for a larger view. It was then I saw hundreds maybe thousands of dead people on the beach and birds picking at their bodies. Then the camera (or viewpoint) went in closer and I saw a little girl with long very blond hair lying on her face in the sand. She had on a pink blouse and a bird was standing on her neck pecking at her skull and face.

The blondeness of the little girl's hair made me think it was in some Scandinavian country.


lelia said...


Carole McDonnell said...

Hi Lelia:

Yeah, it was kinda devastating but there I was sitting when suddenly this vision pops up. Am hoping nothing bad happens in Scandinavia or wherever. Looked terribly devastating.


The Superintendent's Wife said...

Carole, what do you think it means?

Carole McDonnell said...

I don't know, Tia. Unless it's symbolic, it looked like some kind of natural disaster hitting a scandinavian country. But am hoping it's not true. -C

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